
Бадник и Раѓањето Христово во МПЦ Свети Никола – Перт, преку фотографии ~ Christmas Eve and the Nativity of Christ at MOC St. Nikola – Perth, through photographs

Come ye faithful, let us see where Christ was born! Let us follow the path of the Star which led the way of the Wise Men and Eastern Emperors; there, the Angels celebrate Him constantly; the Shepherds played a worthy song, saying: Glory to our Lord on high, peace on Earth and good will among men; addressing the One who was born by a Virgin in a cave at Bethlehem. …

The Nativity of Christ in New Castle ~ Рождество Христово во Њукасл

Today the Virgin gives birth to the Transcendent One,  and the earth offers a cave to the Unapproachable One!  Angels with shepherds glorify Him. The wise men journey with a star, since for our sake the Pre-Eternal God was born as a young Child Дева денес Го раѓа Предсуштествениот, и земјата Му нуди пештера на Непристапниот. Ангелите со пастирите Го славословат, а мудреците со ѕвездата патуваат, оти заради нас се …

Christmas at the Church of the Assumption in Sydenham, Melbourne Божик во црквата Успение на Пресвета Богородива во Сиденхам, Мелбурн

Your Nativity, O Christ our God, has shone to the world the Light of knowledge; for by it, those who worshipped the stars were taught by a star to adore You, the Sun of Righteousness, and to know You, the Dayspring from on High. O Lord, glory to You. Раѓањето Твое, Христе Боже наш, светот го озари со светлината на богопознанието; преку неа служителите на ѕвездите, се учеа од ѕвездата …

Chris is born in the monastery st Kliment of Ohrid ~ Христос се роди во манастирот на св. Климент Охридски во Кинглејк.

Solemnly celebrated the feast  of the birth of our God and Savior Jesus Christ in the monastery of St. Kliment of Ohrid in Kinglake Christ is born, praise Him; Christ is announced from heaven, meet Him; Christ is on earth, take Him up. Sing to the Lord, all the earth, and praise Him joyfully, people, for He has been glorified. Свечено прославен празникот на раѓањето на нашиот Бог и Спасител …