On 09.08.2024, when the Holy Church celebrates the memory of Saint Clement of Ohrid, the holy great martyr Panteleimon and the holy Seven, in the monastery of “Saint Clement of Ohrid” in King Lake, the abbot of the monastery, Father Gavril (Galev), together with the Ecclesiastics: Mitred Archpriest Very Rev. Fr. Mihail Protopopov and Presbiter Fr. Jovan Dimitrov from the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, Archpriest Very Rev. Fr. Petar Damljanovic and Priest Fr. Dejan Milošević from the Serbian Orthodox Church, as well as the Priest Fr. Kliment Stankovski celebrated the Holy Chrysostom’s Liturgy, with which was solemnly celebrated the Patron Saint Clement of the Monastery which have his name.
A multitude of people participated prayerfully in the Holy Liturgy, and partook of the Holy Mysteries of Christ.
The joy was great among the Ecclesiastics and among all the believers, who came to celebrate their patron Saint Clement of Ohrid. The faithful gathered around their pastors and in one accord together expressed their sincere prayers to God.