На ден 09. 01. 2025 година (трет ден Божиќ), кога Светата Црква го прославува споменот на светиот првомаченик и архиѓакон Стефан во МПЦО „Света Петка“ во Рокдејл, старешината на храмот јереј Владо Недески отслужи Света литургија.
На литургијата присуствуваше мноштво народ, кој молитвено го прослави споменот на светиот маченик Стефан.
Верниот народ се причести со Светите Христови тајни.
So Liturgija i molitveno od celata crkovna zaednica bese proslaven spomenot na svetiot prvomacenik i arhigjakon Stefan. Ako prviot den posle Bozik e posveten na onaa preku koja se vooploti Sinot Bozji, Hristos, vo vtoriot den posle Bozik se praznuva spomenot na prviot macenik za Hrista, arhigjakonot Stefan. Bil izbran od Apostolite da mu pomaga vo crkovnata sluzba, i budejki mlad i umen cesto mu zaviduvale evrejskite stareshini. So kleveti bil odnesen vo Sinendrionot i tamu obvinuvan, a on im kazal deka ja videl nebesata otvorena i Sinot bozji kako sedi odesno na Boga. Koga go cule to i go obvinile za hula, go izvele nadvor od gradot i go kamenuvale. Liceto na sveti Stefan bilo kako Angel, a poslednite negovi zborovi verni na Boga i Slovoto Negovo: Boze Ne im go zemaj ova za grev! Na kamenuvanjeto sedel i gi cuval alistata na kamenuvacite, edno momce Savle koe podocna po spoznanieto na Hrista ke se preobrazi vo Pavle i Sluzitel na Hrista Boga. Prvomaceniku Hristov, moli go Boga za nas! Cestit imenden na site so ime Stefan, Steven i Stefanija.

Today, with Liturgy and prayers by the whole Church assembly, we celebrated the feast day of the first martyr for Christ and Archdeacon Stephen. If the day after Christmas is always dedicated to the Theotokos, through whom Christ was incarnated, the second day after Christmas is always dedicated to the first martyr who gave his life for Christ, Archdeacon Stephen. Archdeacon Stephen was elected by the apostles to serve the Church and to look after the Agape. He was a beautiful-looking man, bright and smart, and the Jewish people were jealous of him. They accused him of many false reasons and brought him to the Jewish religious court, the Sanhedrin. The Jewish authorities accused him, and he responded that he saw the heavens opened and the Son of God seated at the right hand of God. They all screamed and decided to stone him outside the city grounds. Stephen’s face became like an angel, and his final words, in accordance with his faith in Christ and his teachings, were, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them!” During his death, a young man named Saul was present and approved of what the Jews were doing. By the Holy Spirit, this young man, Saul, would believe in Christ and be transformed by God’s grace into Paul, the apostle and follower of Christ. Protomartyr Stephen, bring prayers to Christ for us sinners. Happy name day to all named Stefan, Steve, Steven, and Stephanie.