На ден 12. 05. 2024 година, во неделата после Велигден – Недела на Антипасха или Томина недела, во црковната општина „Света Петка“ во Рокдејл, старешината на храмот, презвитерот Владо Недески отслужи Света Златоустова Литургија.
Nedela po Veligden, Nedela na Antipasha i Tomina Nedela. Denes slusnavme vo svetoto evangelie deka Gospod Isus Hristos im se javil na ucenicite koga bile zakluceni vratite. Bidejki prviot pat sv. apostol Toma ne go videl Hrista im rekol na ucenicite deka ne veruva deka Hristos Voskresnal dodeka ne dopre vo ranite na racete i rebrata. Pri vtoroto javuvanje Hristovo, Gospod Isus Hristos go povikal Toma da dopre do ranite na racete i vo rebrata i da nebide neveren tuku veren. Toma doprel i izvikal. Ti si moj Gospod i moj Bog! Dostoevski veli, Toma doprel za da poveruva, no mozel i da dopre a pak da ne veruva i da protivreci. Namerata i karakterot na sv Toma barale vakov nadvoresen znak, no sveti Toma verata vo Hrista veke ja imal vo sebesi. Hristos sepak na krajot zaklucil deka Toma videl i poveruval, a blazeni se tie koi nevidele a poveruvale. Da se potrudime i nie da se vbroime vo ovie blazeni koi poveruvale bez da vidat i Bog da ni podari i nam radost i izvik na vera kako onoj na sv Toma. Hristos Voskresna i cestito ime na site koi nosat ime Tomas, Tomce, Tom, Tome i Tomislav.
Sunday after Easter, the Week of Antipascha, and St. Thomas Sunday. Today, we heard in the Holy Gospel reading that during the first appearance of Christ among the disciples after the Resurrection, the apostle Thomas was not there and he refused to believe that the other disciples had seen the Resurrected Christ. He asked to touch the prints of the nails in Christ’s hands and to touch His side in order to believe. On the second appearance of Christ when St. Thomas was there, He gave St. Thomas the opportunity to touch His hands and His side, and He advised him to no longer be in doubt but to have belief. The apostle Thomas said, “My Lord and my God!” St. Thomas was such a personality and character that he wanted to see an external sign, but his faith in Christ was already in him because if he had no faith, he could have touched and yet not believed or denied. At the end, Christ concluded that Thomas asked to touch in order to believe, but blessed are those who will believe without seeing. Let’s try to number ourselves among those who are blessed and to be granted joy and happiness like that of the apostle Thomas. Happy name day to all Thomas, Tomce, Tome, and Tom.