На 27. 09. 2024 година, кога го празнуваме празникот Воздвижение на Честниот Крст (Крстовден), и споменот на светата царица Плакила; на преподобниот маченик Макариј Солунски и на преподобната Марија Тарсиска, во црковната општина „Света Петка“ во Рокдејл, старешината на храмот јереј Владо Недески  служеше Света Златоустова Литургија.

На Светата Литургија, верниот народ се причести со Светите Христови Тајни.


Proslaven praznikot Vozdvizenie na Cesniot Krst- Krstovden. Ovoj praznik vklucuva dva crkovno-istoriski sobitija od zivotot na crkvata. Prviot, pronaoganjeto na cesniot krst od strana na caricata Elena. Po prethodni informacii od nekoj Evrein caricata Elena go razruzusila neznabozeckiot hram na Venera, i vo zemjata nasle zakopani 3 krsta. Pokraj mestoto pominuvala povorka so mrtovec, pa patrijarhot Makarij, gi soprel i eden po eden od trite krsta gi polozuval vrz mrtovecot. Od prvite dva krsta nisto ne se slucuvalo bidejki bile tie na razbojnicite no koga go polozile tretiot krst na Gospod Isus Hristos, se slucilo cudo i mrtviot voskresnal. Taka se utvrdilo deka toj e zivotvorniot krst Gospodov. Vtoriot nastan e prenosot na Krstot od Persija vo Erusalim. Za vreme na zazemanjeto na Erusalim carot Hozroj II go odnel krstot vo Persija. Posle 14 godini carot Iraklij go vratil torzestveno krstot vo Erusalim. Koga sakal da go vnese vo gradskite porti angel Bozji ne mu dozvoluval a patrijarhot Zaharij mu go otkril toa. Potoa carot ja slekol carskata obleka, i vo obicni alista, podobno ba Hrista go vnesol torzestveno Cesniot krst vo Erusalim. Slovoto za krstot e bezumstvo za onie koi ginat, no za nas koi se spasuvame e SILA BOZJA. So silata na Zivotvorniot Krst Gospodi Isuse Hriste spasi i pomiluj.
Feast day: Exaltation of the Holy and Life-giving Cross. Two historical and Church events are commemorated on today’s feast. The first event is connected with Saint Helen. She tried to find information about the Holy Cross from a Jewish man. Then she ordered the destruction of a temple dedicated to Venus, and below the building in the ground, she found three crosses. In order to find out which one was Christ’s, Patriarch Makarij ordered a funeral procession to be stopped. All three crosses were placed on the dead man. Only when the third cross was placed on the dead man were people amazed, seeing a miracle and seeing that the man appeared to be alive and risen from the dead. The second event is connected with King Khosrow II who, taking over Jerusalem, also took the Holy Cross and transferred it to Persia. King Heraclius, 14 years later, won over King Khosrow II and the Holy Cross was returned to Jerusalem. When King Heraclius reached Jerusalem, he was not able to enter Jerusalem because he was dressed as a king, and an angel of God was preventing him from doing so. Receiving advice from Patriarch Zachariah, he took off his royal clothes and dressed very simply and moderately. After that, he received the Holy Cross and returned to Jerusalem. For the word of the cross seems foolish to those who are on the way to destruction, but to us who are on the way to salvation, it is the power of God! With the power of the Holy Cross, Lord Jesus Christ, save us.
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